vonHUD brings an updated look and a range of extra features to your Mechwarrior 5 experience.

vonHUD Features

Visual Style

The HUD is more “visual” and has a distinct design, that fits better into a Mech cockpit.


The vonHUD crosshairs are more designed and change by Mech chassis size from light Mechs to assault Mechs.

Customize colors

All HUD panels, their border elements and even the crosshairs can be customized with your preferred colors via mod options!

Overhauled Icons

New icons for all Mech classes, VTOLs, turrets, and also mission objectives, etc. The icons can be scaled via Mod Option.

Radar-Style Battlegrid

in vonHUD's Mod Options, you can find a range of options for the battle radar, you can switch on a round version with an animated overlay or even deactivate the terrain representtion completly

Hex Grid overlay on Battlegrid

On the Battlegrid (overview map), you have numbered hex fields, which are of great help in coop with other players.

Satellite Link

Remember Mechwarrior 2's “Satellite Link … engaged”? With PageUp on your keyboard, you can switch to the Satellite view. This can help with battlefield awareness and also supporters on Patreon have already early access to the next gen of vonHUD with Mech command and controls, and the ability to drop airstrikes in the Satellite Link view. Furthermore, the work in progress version allows Mech Lance commanders to place reinforcements and even bases on the map. Join up on Patreon and try it out! :)