After the vonBiomes Update last month, here is the next big goodie for your Mech-ventures: vonHUD Mod Update with vonCommander 2.0!


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What does it include?

vonHUD has been extended with some more features and mod options, mainly:

* Crosshairs changing with Mech weight class
Different horizontal line lengths for each weight class makes the corsshairs lighter for light mechs, and heavier for havier ones

* Target Cam
You can activate the vonHUD Target cam via Mod Options to show a satellite view of the targetted mech or object. It is still a little wonkey (aka Beta) and sometimes not getting the right mech, but ehy, it can be toggled onm and off;)


But the main part of this update is (tataatataa)

vonCommander 2.0

The whole vonCommander interface has been completely overhauled.
As before, you can access it with the PageUp Key, and it brings you to Satellite view.

For there on, everything is new:

New visual Style

The environment is displayed in an outline style. You additionally have a slider on top to fade between the "scanner look" and a regular camera view.

WASD & improved Zoom

Move the map around with WASD, and zoom with the mouse wheel. With Left SHIFT + WASD you can move faster. Double-click on the environment lets you jump to that point. Double-click a unit tracks it — with a double click on the environment, you cancel the tracking again.

Time Mode aka "Neurohelmet Time"
With a slider, you can slow down, or speed up time - handy for those long runs, or stop the action to give commands without hurry!

Improved AI Commands

AI Commanding should now work better and is more in line with what the MW5 AI (or TT Rulez AI) expects as input commands. You can issue orders for:

  • Move to location

  • Attack target

  • Follow other friendly unit

  • Cancel order by clicking the same unit twice

Airstrike Mode!

If you have negotiated Airstrikes, you can now place them on the map in vonCommander. Simply go to Air Strike Mode and click on a point on the landscape. Boom!
That makes Airstrikes much more useful, and you can use them anywhere on the map.

Objective circles
Mission objectives, and crates, have yellow circles present for better mission awareness.

F-Key compatibility

Using F Keys outside vonCommander should work regularly — if not, please go into vonCommander and hit the Cancel All Orders button on top!
(Also, please use the cancel orders button if you want to get rid of not-correct lines, resulting from giving other commands outside vonCommander)

and more fixing, polishing and other updates…


Known incompatibilities:

  • Simple Zoom & Advanced Zoom: does not work well together at the moment.

  • Lance Mate Status Icons: breaks optional the HUD target cam in vonHUD (target cam can be disabled in mod options


Error reporting:

if you encounter any issues, please let me know best on Discord:

We also have an online doc for tracking stuff here:

If there are now major problems emerging, I plan to also put it on Nexus soon, so all Mechwarriors can also be Commanders;) I hope that is okay for all of you!


Thank you very much for supporting the mod work! 💚
This new update was a tough ride (hence the little delayed release time;) but having vonCommander now in its improved version, I hope you find it a very valueable battlefield asset.

Also special thanks got to the Patreons Iebgener & Kev_ish on Discord for all their alpha and beta testing — never could have done it without your help, guys!:)

Cheers and all the best!
- Jonathan